Summer Courses Finland Universities Offer

I traveled to Finland about a year ago with my wife, Lizzy. She’s a Canadian and was the woman that made my dream of moving to Canada possible.

I appreciate her a lot because since the time I came over here, life has been a lot different – at least, for the better.

So when we got to Finland, there’s something I observed. Their immigration route isn’t as tough as the ones in Canada, United Kingdom or even the United States.

And you know the craziest thing? There are some summer courses Finland universities offer that serve as an escape route down there.

That means, you can travel to Finland where it’s much faster by using the study route. Seeking to explore this new adventure? Keep reading…

Why Choose Finland for Summer Studies?

1. Education System

Finland is globally recognized for its high-quality education system, embodying innovation, equality, and excellence.

By enrolling in summer courses at Finnish universities, students gain access to top-notch education and cutting-edge research facilities.

2. Networking Opportunities

Attending summer courses in Finland allows students to connect with friends from different backgrounds and build a global network.

These connections can be invaluable both during your academic journey and in your future career endeavors.

Summer Courses Finland Universities Offer

1. Environmental Studies

For those passionate about sustainability and environmental conservation, Finnish universities offer a variety of summer courses in environmental studies.

From renewable energy to eco-friendly practices, these courses equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing environmental challenges.

2. Technology and Innovation

Finland is a hub for technological advancements and innovation. Universities in the country provide summer courses that cover a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, digitalization, and entrepreneurship.

3. Arts and Design

Creative minds will find a plethora of summer courses in arts and design at Finnish universities.

Whether you’re interested in the visual arts, fashion design, or architecture, Finland’s artistic scene is sure to inspire and nurture your talent.

4. Language and Culture

Immerse yourself in the Finnish language and culture by enrolling in language courses during the summer. Learning a new language opens doors to understanding different perspectives and fosters cross-cultural communication.

5. Business and Economics

For students aspiring to delve into the world of business and economics, Finland universities offer summer courses that cover topics such as finance, marketing, and sustainable business practices.

How to Apply for Summer Courses

1. Select Courses

Begin by researching the summer courses offered by Finnish universities and selecting the ones that align with your academic interests and goals. Consider factors such as course duration, prerequisites, and learning outcomes.

2. Check Application Deadlines

Make sure to check the application deadlines for the summer courses you’re interested in. It’s essential to submit your application well in advance to secure a spot in your preferred course.

3. Gather Required Documents

Prepare all the necessary documents for your application, which may include academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a CV, and a statement of purpose.

4. Submit Your Application

Follow the university’s application guidelines and submit your application through the designated portal. Double-check all the information provided to avoid any errors that could affect the processing of your application.

5. Await Admission Decision

After submitting your application, patiently await the admission decision from the university. Once accepted, you will receive further instructions regarding enrollment, fees, and course details.


Whether you’re interested in environmental studies, technology, the arts, languages, or business, Finland offers a diverse range of courses to cater to your interests.

Apply for a summer course in Finland today and unlock a world of opportunities!


Is Finland Cheap to Study?

First off, compared to many countries, especially in the Nordic region, Finland offers a relatively cost-effective education system.

This is especially true for summer courses, which can sometimes be a more affordable option for international students looking to get a taste of studying abroad without committing to a full-degree program.

However, overall affordability also hinges on your lifestyle and spending habits.

Living costs in Finland can be on the higher side, with expenses like accommodation, food, and transportation taking up a significant portion of your budget.

But here’s the kicker — many universities in Finland offer support in finding affordable housing options for international students, and there are plenty of ways to live economically if you plan wisely.

What is the Best Course to Study in Finland?

When it comes to pinpointing the best course to study, it really boils down to what you’re passionate about and what you aim to achieve with your summer study experience.

Finland is renowned for its innovation in technology and education, making it a hotspot for courses in environmental science, engineering, and information technology.

Not to mention, their unique approach to teaching and learning ensures that whatever course you pick, you’re in for an engaging and enriching experience.

Ultimately, the best course is one that aligns with your interests and goals. So, go ahead and explore the options.

How Much Bank Balance is Required for a Finland Student Visa?

To get your hands on a Finnish student visa, you’ll need to prove that you have enough funds to support yourself during your stay.

As of now, you’re looking at needing to show you have at least €560 (that’s roughly $620) for each month of your stay.

So, if you’re planning on a two-month summer course fiesta, you’ll need to show that you have at least €1120 set aside for your living expenses.

Keep in mind that this is just for your day-to-day living and doesn’t cover tuition fees or any other pre-arranged expenses like housing.

It might sound like a hefty sum, but planning and budgeting well can make this a manageable part of your study abroad adventure.
